Matramvarum- Benefits of water in Tamil

In this blog post, we are going to see the Benefits of water along with a video from the Tamil youtube channel Matramvarum. Matramvarum is for Tamil current news, entertainment and new information. Let’s see the Benefits of water.
Gives relief from joint pains:
Our body joints have bone marrows which are a substance consists of 70% of water. When we drunk water for a long time our body got dehydrated. Due to this the bone marrows become weak. To avoid this problem we have to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. Tamil medicine suggests water as a universal pain relief. Because water has the power of healing.
Improves Digestion:
Many of us are facing digestion problems and constipation. To get relief from this drink water properly 30 minutes before or after eating. According to Tamil medicines, drinking water in an empty stomach will refresh our body from unwanted toxins.
Reduce stress:
You may get wonder how water helps to reduce stress, but this is true when we got stress our body gets heated due to this we can’t focus on anything. It is proven that water will reduce the body heat and thus reduces the stress.
